Industry Canada 加拿大工业部IC认证


加拿大工业部(Industry Canada)在《无线电通信法》和《无线电通信条例》授权下,负责电子电气产品的强制性电磁兼容管理。如同美国的FCC,加拿大对于电子电气设备的电磁兼容性要求只是对于电磁发射(EMI)的传导骚扰和辐射骚扰方面,没有抗扰度的要求。

Interference-Causing Equipment Standards
ICES-001 — Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio Frequency Generators  Issue 4, June 2006
ICES-002 — Spark Ignition Systems of Vehicles and Other Devices Equipped with Internal Combustion Engines  Issue 5, August 2009
ICES-003 — Information Technology Equipment (ITE) – Limits and methods of measurement Issue 5, August 2012
ICES-004 — Alternating Current High Voltage Power Systems  Issue 3, December 2001
ICES-005 — Radio Frequency Lighting Devices  Issue 3, May 2009
ICES-006 — AC Wire Carrier Current Devices (Unintentional Radiators)  Issue 2, June 2009


2 条评论

  1. 铁剑一担

    LED灯具请问是用ICES-003 还是005啊?

    1. admin
